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Pumpkin lasagna with celery and sausage filling

Ingredients for 4 people

Here’s how

  1. Peel the celery and cut into pieces, cook in steam until soft, puree with the cream while still warm. The result should be a very viscous mass. Stir in Schabziger, season with salt and pepper.
  2. Clean porcini mushrooms, chop according to size. Fry in the butter, add the onions and parsley and sauté briefly, season with salt and pepper.
  3. Season the pumpkin slices with salt and pepper. In a non-stick skillet, fry briefly on both sides in the cooking butter over medium heat.
  4. Arrange 4 pumpkin slices on each of 4 plates to form a turret, cover again and again with the hot celery-shaved sour cream puree. Surround with the porcini mushrooms.