Mix flour, eggs, salt and olive oil until a smooth, pliable dough. Depending on the size of the eggs, it still needs some water. Wrap dough in plastic wrap, cover and let rest for 30 minutes.
Blanch cabbage style leaves (chard), quench in ice water (water with ice cubes), put in a colander and squeeze well, chop coarsely. Finely chop the onion and garlic clove.
Sauté onions and garlic in oil, add cabbage style (chard) and some thyme leaves, season with pepper. Crush cream cheese with a fork and mix with Schabziger under the vegetables.
Roll out dough thinly in two operations, cut out rounds 6 cm in diameter. Place a coffee spoonful of filling on half of the rondelles. Brush the edge of the dough with water. Place a second rondelle on top, press down with fork.
Melt the nuts in the butter.
Cook ravioli in plenty of salted water in batches for about 3 minutes. Remove with slotted spoon, add to nut butter, season with pepper to taste.