GESKA AG goes into new hands
GESKA AG goes into new hands and gets a new managing director.
The future for Glarner Schabziger is still assured.

Reto Hiestand from Reichenburg
It is of great importance that succession can be arranged for a company at an early stage. This was a very important concern for the owner and managing director of Geska AG, Hermann Luchsinger, as he will reach retirement age next year.
Since Geska AG with its Garner Schabziger is an SME business that produces one of the most traditional products in Switzerland, but is also synonymous with the canton of Glarus, Luchsinger sought and found a good succession solution with care and prudence. Reto Hiestand from Reichenburg will take over the management of Geska AG as of 01 October 2020 and continue to lead the successful company. The financial basis was secured by the investor Rupaal Finanzholding AG, a family-run company that invests in exciting ventures for the long term.
Geska AG was acquired by Luchsinger in 2016 and has been able to develop very positively in recent years. The aim was to be able to process as much Glarus milk as possible into high-quality products in Glarus, to offer the 17 or so employees a secure and exciting job, and to be a fair partner to milk producers in the long term. The latest figures show that Geska AG, also in this special and challenging year, was able to develop further and is positioned on a solid basis.
Maintaining what already exists and expanding and developing it through new innovations at the Glarus site will continue to be the goal of the new owners in the future. Luchsinger will remain with the company and also with Glarner Milch AG until further notice. His network, expertise and innovative strength continue to be in demand. It is of great concern to him that the business continues according to his ideas and seamlessly.
Glarner Schabziger and many other products made from Glarner milk will continue to be present in the refrigerated shelves of wholesalers and retailers throughout Switzerland and abroad. Products such as those manufactured by Geska AG, which are characterized by Swissness, uniqueness and quality, are more in demand than ever. The new managers of Geska AG are also convinced of this and look forward to a successful future in Glarnerland.
Hermann Luchsinger expresses his sincere thanks to all customers and suppliers for the many years of good cooperation and hopes that the trust will also be placed in the new management for the coming years.